Science, asked by hemant9353, 1 year ago

list the difference between straided smooth and Cardiac muscle


Answered by rohit6437
Striated muscles are voluntary whereas smooth muscles are involuntary in function. Striated muscles show stripes whereas smooth musclesdo not show stripes. Skeletal muscle fibres are cylindrical whereas smooth muscle fibres are spindle shaped.
Answered by wbhat
Muscles can be categorized into two groups, voluntary and involuntary.
Voluntary muscles are muscles that you can consciously control, skeletal muscles are all voluntary.
Involuntary muscles function independently of conscious thought, you don't think to make your heart beat or your blood vessels constrict. Cardiac and smooth muscle are involuntary muscles.
Now each type of muscle have differences that change their physiology.
Skeletal muscles have striations, alternating dark and light bands, due to a very regular, parallel arrangement of the muscle sarcomeres (contractile unit). Skeletal muscle cells are typically multinucleated and are arranged in fibers. Skeletal muscles also stain the highest tension (strength of contraction).
Cardiac muscles are only in the heart, they are also striated, once again due to the regular arrangement of the sarcomeres. Cardiac muscles are multinucleated, and the junctions between cells have intercalated disks, bands of tissue that help all cardiac muscle cells contract together without tearing. Cardiac cells branch and arent quite as parallel as skeletal muscle.
Smooth muscle is present in the GI tract and lining blood vessels (there are more places), and the individual cells are spindle shaped and nonstriated. The sarcomeres are more randomly arranged and form an interconnected network. Smooth muscle cells have single nuclei and there are gap junctions between cells that make it so that as soon as one muscle cell contracts, all the ones connected to it contract as well. This leads to sheets of smooth muscle contracting all at once. Smooth muscle is good at providing low tension over longer periods of time
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