History, asked by mishranikhilkupb66p9, 11 months ago

List the names of all rulers of Mughal dynasty. Also mention there period of ruling. Detailed answer will surely marked Brainliest.


Answered by devikakrk2003


Zahir al-Din Muhammad (throne name Babur) was a fifth-generation descendant of the Turkic conqueror Timur, whose empire, built in the late 14th century, covered much of Central Asia and Iran. Born in 1483 at the twilight of that empire, Babur faced a harsh reality: there were too many Timurid princes and not enough principalities to go around. The result was a constant churning of wars and political intrigue as rivals sought to unseat each other and expand their territories. Babur spent much of his youth fixated on trying to capture and hold Samarkand, the former capital of the Timurid empire. He occupied it in 1497, lost it, and then took it again in 1501. His second triumph was brief—in 1501 he was resoundingly defeated in battle by Muhammad Shaybani Khan, losing the coveted city along with his native principality of Fergana. After one final futile attempt to retake Samarkand in 1511, he gave up on his lifelong goal.

Humayun ;

Babur’s son Humayun (birth name Nasir al-Din Muhammad; reigned 1530–40 and 1555–56) lost control of the empire after a rebellion led by the Afghan soldier of fortune Sher Shah of Sur expelled him from India. Fifteen years later, Humayun took advantage of discord among Sher Shah’s successors to recapture Lahore, Delhi, and Agra. But he wasn’t around long to enjoy his restored empire; he died in a fall down the steps of his library in 1556 that may have been caused by his excessive drinking. He was succeeded by his son Akbar.

Akbar :

Humayun’s son Akbar (reigned 1556–1605) is often remembered as the greatest of all Mughal emperors. When Akbar came to the throne, he inherited a shrunken empire, not extending much beyond the Punjab and the area around Delhi. He embarked on a series of military campaigns to extend his boundaries, and some of his toughest opponents were the Rajputs, fierce warriors who controlled Rajputna (now Rajasthan). The Rajputs’ main weakness was that they were divided by fierce rivalries with each other. This made it possible for Akbar to deal with Rajput chiefs individually instead of confronting them as a united force. In 1568 he captured the fortress of Chitor (now Chittaurgarh), and his remaining Rajput opponents soon capitulated.

                        6 IMPORTANT MUGHAL EMPERORS

Jahangir :

Jahangir (birth name Salim), the son of Akbar, was so eager to take power that he staged a brief revolt in 1599, proclaiming his independence while his father was still on the throne. Two years later he went so far as to arrange for the assassination of his father’s closest friend and adviser, Abu al-Fazl. These events disturbed Akbar, but the pool of possible successors was small, with two of Jahangir’s younger brothers having drunk themselves to death, so Akbar formally designated Jahangir as his successor before his death in 1605. Jahangir inherited an empire that was stable and wealthy, leaving him to focus his attention on other activities. His patronage of the arts was unprecedented, and his palace workshops produced some of the finest miniature paintings in the Mughal tradition. He also consumed excessive amounts of alcohol and opium, at one point employing a special servant just to manage his supply of intoxicating drugs.

Shah Jahan :

Like his father Jahangir, Shah Jahan (birth name Shihab al-Din Muhammad Khurram) inherited an empire that was relatively stable and prosperous. He had some success in extending the Mughal Empire into the Deccan states (the states of the Indian peninsula), but he is known today primarily as a builder. He commissioned his most famous creation, the Taj Mahal, in 1632 after his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died while giving birth to the couple’s 14th child. The massive mausoleum complex took more than 20 years to complete and today is one of the best-known buildings on earth.

Aurangzeb :

A skilled military leader and administrator, Aurangzeb was a serious-minded ruler who avoided the decadence and substance-abuse issues that had plagued several of his predecessors. He presided over the Mughal Empire at its widest geographical extent, pushing the southern border down the Deccan peninsula all the way to Tanjore. But his reign also saw the beginnings of the empire’s decline. As a more strictly orthodox Muslim than his predecessors, he ended many of the policies of religious tolerance that had made pluralism and social harmony possible.

hope this will help you

comment down your suggestions and

please mark as brainliest


devikakrk2003: SORRY... BABUR HUMAYAN AKBAR JAHANGIR SHAH JAHAN and AURANGAZEB are the 6 most important mughal emperoes
mishranikhilkupb66p9: Okay! you can edit your answer if you wanna add more information
Answered by Prashantraghuvanshi
muhamad (Thorne name Babur)was a fifth-generation descendant of the Turkic conqueror Timur .Babar is born in 1483 at the twilight of that empire. Babur is also remembered for his autobiography,theBaburnamah , which gives a cultured and witty account of his adventures and the fluctuations of his Fortune with observation on nature society and politics in the places he was visited .

Babar 's son reigned (1530 to 1540)and (1555 to 1556)lost control of the Empire after a rebellion led by Afghan solder ofFortune Sirsa and to expand him from India 15th year letter Uma YouTube advantage of discord among Sher shah's successors to recapture Lahore Delhi and Agra


is 15683 capture the photos of Chittor Nau Chandigarh and is remaining Rajput opponent soon captured .Akbar's Policy was to enlist his defeated opponent as allies by following them to retain their privilege and continue governing if they acknowledged Emperor this approach combined with Akbar talent attitude toward non Muslim people in showed a high degree of harmony in the emperor in split of the great diversity of its people and religion .


Jehangir birth name Salim the son of Akbar was a show aged to take power that he stayed a brief Revolt in 1599 proclaiming his Independence while his father was still won the on the thorn.two years later he went so far as he arrange for The Assassination of his father closest friend and adrive Abu Al fazl.


Shah Jahan was the creator of Taj Mahal in his wife memory Mumtaz Mahal .Mughal family politics romantically as away during Shah Jahan region in 1657 Shah Jahan fell I'll.igniting a war of succession among his sons his son Aurangzeb on declaring himself emperor in 1658 and keep his father continuous until is that in 1666 .


Aurangzeb skilled military level and administration and wave is a serious minded ruler who avoid the difference and substance abuse issues that are regulated several of his predecessors.is hydrogen progressed event with in the Empire become increasing chaotic.
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