list two typical characteristics of adolescent of boys and girls that usually disturb them emotionally and suggest two ways to adjust to them
list of two characteristics of asolescent of boys and girls that usually disturb them emotionally and suggest two ways to adjust to them
Adolescence (ages 10–19) is a life stage that has recently gained recognition as a distinct life stage with its own special needs. This stage is characterized by an acceleration of physical growth and psychological and behavioral changes, thereby transforming from childhood to adulthood.
list two typical characteristics of adolescent of boys and girls that usually disturb them emotionally and suggest two ways to adjust to them
list two typical characteristics of adolescent of boys and girls that usually disturb them emotionally and suggest two ways to adjust to them
Adolescence (ages 10–19) is a life stage that has recently gained recognition as a distinct life stage with its own special needs. This stage is characterized by an acceleration of physical growth and psychological and behavioral changes, thereby transforming from childhood to adulthood.
Pelvic bone growth, breast filling, genital size and sensitivity increasing, pubic and axillary hair growth, voice deepening, acne and menarche are major physical and biological developmental events in girls that make them confused. and fears.
In both boys and girls, the secretion of hormones from the adrenal glands and gonads, and supported by what is secreted from the anterior and posterior neural parts of the pituitary gland, causes rapid changes in the size and strength of the bones, muscles, nervous system. and especially in the reproductive organs which are fully matured for sexual functions.
The growth of pubic and axillary hair, the deepening of the voice, the change in the character of the skin of the body with more active sweat glands and the sudden growth of the testicles and penis and their functionally stronger and ejaculation that the boy experiences, all puzzled him.
All these physical and biological changes in the adolescent make it very difficult for him to adapt to the changed situation. The adolescent is sometimes shy in the company of others, may blush when others look at him, or may run away. A girl because of menstruation and especially a boy because of ejaculation. Adolescents can sometimes suffer from guilt.