listening skills of 3 yrars olds
What it means to be a good listener
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.Focus on what is being said.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.Focus on what is being said.Listen to ideas not just words.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.Focus on what is being said.Listen to ideas not just words.Wait and watch for non-verbal communication.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.Focus on what is being said.Listen to ideas not just words.Wait and watch for non-verbal communication.Maintain eye contact wherever possible.
What it means to be a good listenerStop talking.Prepare yourself for listening.Focus on what is being said.Listen to ideas not just words.Wait and watch for non-verbal communication.Maintain eye contact wherever possible.Listen to the words and try to picture what the speaker is saying.
When not distracted, 3 year olds demonstrate active listening skills, focusing eyes, bodies, and attention on the person speaking. Four-year-olds can use their listening skills to follow a three-step direction. When asked, Marcus can put away his book, get his hat, and line up at the door.
thanks for points.......