Biology, asked by pranavgholap50, 9 months ago

long answer type question :-

Explain respiration in humans and plants ?

Anonymous: ___k off


Answered by Saykasayyed

Trees are more than just a habitat for birds or a nice thing to look at — they help us breathe! Here's how.

As humans, we breathe in air, which contains oxygen. Oxygen is essential for us and all other animals to survive. Once we breathe in oxygen, our body uses it, along with sugar that we get through eating, to produce energy, which then allows us to be active. This process is known as respiration. During respiration, both energy and a gas known as carbon dioxide are produced. When we breathe out, the carbon dioxide that is produced is released into the air.

Plants such as trees, on the other hand, can take in this carbon dioxide, which is unusable for humans, and use it to produce their own energy. Plants are known as producers, which simply means that they produce their own energy without the need for eating.

They do this by a process known as photosynthesis. In photosynthesis, plants take in light from the sun and, through a complex series of steps, use this sunlight, carbon dioxide from the air, and water that they take in through their roots to produce sugars, which can be used by the plant and oxygen, and is then sent into the air.

Through photosynthesis, humans can again breathe in the oxygen that was produced and survive. Photosynthesis and respiration are the two essential processes that allow life to sustain on earth.

In a way, they are a cycle — plants help humans breathe by providing us with oxygen, and humans help plants "breathe" by providing them with carbon dioxide.

In addition to this, humans take in the sugars that are produced through photosynthesis when we eat plants such as fruits and vegetables, which allows us to use the sugars through respiration. This is why animals are known as consumers; because we are required to eat in order to be able to use energy.

As you can see, trees play a big part in our lives. Next time you take in a big breathe of air, be sure to thank the trees around you!


@BEHAPPY..☺️ ✌️✌️


Answered by SAFIYA2654


plants respire through the stomata and as they respire the guard cells open and from it the air enters into the body plants take in carbon dioxide and release out oxygen which is helpful for us plants take in oxygen from the part called stomata and the stomata is present under the leaf of the plant


humans respire through nose.humans take in oxygen which is given out by plants and give out carbon dioxide which is taken buy plants the air that we take in goes through the windpipe called as also oesophagus
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