Love- a driving force shot note
True love does not lie in receiving but in giving. Psychiatrist TB D’netto says in his work, Reaching Out In Love, that love is the force that motivates all people of good will. He sees the life of Jesus as a life motivated by compassionate love. In many schools of thought, self-love and love for others are considered mutually exclusive and even incompatible. Calvin spoke of self-love as a ‘pest’ because it signified selfishness.
For Freud, self-love was the same as narcissism and, hence, an immature love. To overcome this difficulty, Paul Tillich, the Christian theologist, suggested the term ‘self-love’ be replaced by ‘self-affirmation’ or ‘self-acceptance’.
D’netto believes that love is often like water, open to contamination. The contamination can come through intention due to jealousy, rivalry or pride and prejudice. It could come about unintentionally due to ignorance, misunderstanding or simply the weakness and frailty of human nature.
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