'Love binds life' explain with the reference to "the bond of love" from beehive.
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The Bond Of Love is a unique story by the famous writer called Kenneth Anderson. It is quite similar to the story of Love binds life.
- The story revolves around a baby bear who is lost and is saved by the author.
- He brings it home to his wife who starts caring for the bear.
- She feeds him and cleans him.
- Soon the bear outgrew them and the house hence they had to give him away to Mysore zoo.
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“The Bond of Love” is a story of emotional bonding between a woman and a bear. The author’s wife had pet bear called Bruno. She loved him deeply. She put a colored ribbon around his neck. She cooked a variety of dishes for him. He also performed many playful tricks which give pleasure to her. They enjoyed each other’s company. When bear grew big, he was dangerous for the children in the house. Author decided to send him to the zoo. His departure was very painful for the author’s wife. Finally she asked her husband to visit Baba in the zoo. They both felt relieved on meeting. They spend many hours together. So we can say “Love binds Life’
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