LPG cylinders are often found in our kitchens. What does G stand for?
a. Gas
b. Gracy
c. Gaitonde
G stands for gas
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G stands for Gas.
And LPG stands for liquefied Petroleum gas .
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Answer :
LPG cylinders are often found in our kitchens. Where " G " stand for Gas .
Other Information:
- LPG stand for Liquid Petroleum Gas or Liquefied petroleum gas .
- LPG is used in the form of fuel in heating equipment, vehicles and cooking equipment .
- The first production of LPG was in 1910 by Dr. Walter Snelling, and the first commercial product was released in 1912 .
- In India, consumption of LPG approximately 8.9 million tons is mainly consumed in cooking for 6 months for cooking.
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