French, asked by mailkavitakr, 8 months ago

ma famille essay in french and about my siblings if you answer fast
I will mark you as brainliest


Answered by prachisoumyaps38

Here is an attempt to answer your question. It is a description written in French. It is not the best French (which others can edit/comment on) but it should give you an idea on how you can write your own too. You will need to bring in the basics you have learned so far as well a good dictionary or internet/online resources to check your words/spelling.

Here goes.


J’ai quatre frères et deux sœurs.

Mon père est commerçant et ma mère est femme au foyer. Ma mère était professeur il y a trente ans, mais elle a quitté son travail à cause de mauvaise santé.

Ma famille habite au nord de grande terre Nouvelle-Guinée, mais mon autre frère et moi, nous habitons au sud.

Notre ville est au nord, à côté de la mer – elle est très jolie. Il y a beaucoup de plages de sable et on peut y faire du surf.


I have four brothers and two sisters.

My father is a businessman and my mother is a housewife. Thirty years ago, my mother was a teacher but she was sick and left the profession.

My family lives in the north of mainland New Guinea, but I and another brother live in the south.

Our town/city to the north is next to the sea – it is very beautiful. A lot of beaches are sandy and one can surf there.


Many thanks go to Jean-Baptiste Bertrand for the suggested edits to my French description which I have accepted.

Also to Alicia Vian for another suggested edit which I have taken on.

Riddhi Joshi also suggested edits that I took on.

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