magnesium activity with observation conclusion aim material required
Magnesium activity⤵⤵
Aim :- To prove that burning of magnesium is an exothermic reaction(or) To prove chemical combination reaction (or) Burning of Magnessium ribbon.
Materials required :- Magnesium ribbon,Sand paper,bunsen burner
Procedure :-
➡Take a magnessium ribbon and rub with sand paper
➡Hold magnesium ribbon with pair of tongs.
➡Burn it with a sprit lamp or burner.
Magnessium burns in oxygen by producing dazzling white flames and changes into white powder.
2Mg + O2 =》2MgO. It is an exothermic reaction and a chemical combination reaction.
Hope you understand ...✌
Hold mate
Aim : To examine that metallic oxides are basic in nature.
Materials required: Spirit lamp, magnesium ribbon, a pair of tongs, water, and 100ml glass beaker
1. Take one magnesium ribbon.
2.With the help of pair of tongs, heat the magnesium ribbon over a spirit lamp flame.
Observation: You will observe that the magnesium ribbon burns with a white dazzling white flame and forms a white powder.
Conclusion: When the magnesium ribbon burns it reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide.
2Mg + O2 >2MgO
which is basic in nature.