English, asked by shehedhsandeep, 1 year ago

Mahatma gandhi once said we should have a lifestyle in which we are in harmony and peace with our environment and ourselves. write an article in about 150-180 words explaining how you would embibe this sprite in your life.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

               Living in Peace and Harmony with Environment


Living in peace with environment is not an option, but an indispensability for man. Man lives every moment of his life using resources from the beneficent environment. The oxygen he inhales, the air he breathes, the food he eats, the water he drinks, the land, the river, the forests, the mountains, the animals, and almost everything man uses to live are provided by the environment. If man doesn’t live in peace and harmony with his life-giver, he will surely put his life in danger.


All the problems such as pollution, global warming, toxification of air, water, land, etc. mankind is facing is the result of not living in peace and harmony with the environment. If man wants to enjoy living a long, peaceful, healthy, and prosperous life, he must learn to respect each and every life-supporting thing in the environment. Otherwise, his very own survival will be in jeopardy.
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