major components of environment
Some of the important components/segments of environment are as follows:
The environment consists of various segments such as atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere. Before explaining the chemistry that is taking place in these segments one by one, a brief out line about their importance will be discussed.
1.=> 1. Atmosphere:
The following points highlight the vital role played by atmosphere in the survival of life in this planet:
i. The atmosphere is the protective blanket of gases which is surrounding the earth. It protects the earth from the hostile environment of outer space.
ii. It absorbs 1R radiations emitted by the sun and reemitted from the earth and thus controls the temperature of the earth.
2. Hydrosphere:
The hydrosphere is a collective term given to all different forms of water.
It includes all types of water resources such as oceans, seas, rivers, lakes, streams, reservoirs, glaciers and ground waters.
The major problem with global water supply is its non-uniform distribution, since people in areas with low precipitation often consume more than people in regions with more rainfall.
. Lithosphere:
The crust is the earth’s outer skin that is accessible to human. The crust consists of rocks and soil of which the latter is the important part of lithosphere.
4. Biosphere:
The biosphere refers to the realm of living organisms and their interactions with the environment (VIZ: atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere)
i. The biosphere is very large and complex and is divided into smaller units called ecosystems.
ii. Plants, animals and microorganisms which live in a definite zone along with physical factors such as soil, water and air constitute an ecosystem.
5. Important Note Regarding Earth:
i. Equator:
An equator is the intersection of a sphere’s surface with the plane perpendicular to the sphere’s axis of rotation and containing the sphere’s centre of mass. The capitalized term Equator refers to the Earth’s equator. In simpler language, the Equator is an imaginary line on the Earth’s surface equidistant from the North Pole and South Pole that divides the Earth into a Northern Hemisphere and a Southern Hemisphere.
hope it's help uuu
The following are the Components of Environment .
1. Biosphere :
Biosphere is defined as the part of earth and atmosphere in which many smaller ecosystem exists and operate. Biosphere is the environment of earth which makes it possible for the origin and survival of living organisms.
2. Atmosphere :
Atmosphere may be defined as a transparent gaseous envelop surrounding the earth. The atmosphere is divided into 4 distinct layers.The main layers from the surface of the earth upwards are :
(a) Troposphere
(b) Stratosphere
(c) Mesosphere and
(d) Thermosphere.
3. Hydrosphere :
The layer of water at or near the surface of the earth is called hydrosphere. Hydrosphere is formed by the oceans, lakes, rivers , steams, polar ice caps, water vapour etc.
4. Lithosphere :
The solid component of the earth or body of the earth is called lithosphere.
Lithosphere has three main layers :-
(a) The earth's crust
(b) The mantle
(c) The core.
→ Biotic Components Of Environment Are plants, animals including human beings and microbes.
Abiotic Factors are water, light , temperature gases, humidity and soil.