Science, asked by kadrisufiyan55, 1 year ago

Make a list of items in the first aid box


Answered by SufiyanKadri
Put these in each of your first-aid kits:

an up-to-date first-aid manuala list of emergency phone numberssterile gauze pads of different sizesadhesive tapeadhesive bandages (Band-Aids) in several sizeselastic bandagea splintantiseptic wipessoapantibiotic ointmentantiseptic solution (like hydrogen peroxide)hydrocortisone cream (1%)acetaminophen and ibuprofenextra prescription medicines (if the family is going on vacation)tweezerssharp scissorssafety pinsdisposable instant cold packscalamine lotionalcohol wipes or ethyl alcoholthermometertooth preservation kitplastic non-latex gloves (at least 2 pairs)flashlight and extra batteriesa blanketmouthpiece for giving CPR (you can get one from your local Red Cross)
Answered by Anonymous
plasters in a variety of different sizes and shapessmall, medium and large sterile gauze dressingsat least 2 sterile eye dressingstriangular bandagescrêpe rolled bandagessafety pinsdisposable sterile glovestweezersscissorsalcohol-free cleansing wipessticky tapethermometer (preferably digital)skin rash cream, such as hydrocortisone or calendulacream or spray to relieve insect bites and stingsantiseptic creampainkillers such as paracetamol (or infant paracetamol for children), aspirin (not to be given to children under 16), or ibuprofencough medicineantihistamine cream or tabletsdistilled water for cleaning woundseye wash and eye bath
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