Science, asked by akshat187, 1 year ago

make a report on difference method of irrigation ancient time mordeanEr. a


Answered by mansitambi
Hui don't worry
Mansi tambi is here
Tradtional methods rely more on tanks, ponds, wells, water conservation mechanism, local efforts like bamboo drip irrigation method of meghalaya etc, whereas modern methods include canals, water pumps.
2)TM are less efficient but more sustainable than modern methods are more efficient but less suatainable.
2)Traditional methods were limited in range & it depended mostly on the geology of region, but modern mothods mostly depend on infra & ground water availability.
3)In TM, farmers have a feeling that water is limited os they tend to ud=se it judiciously wheras modern methods especially water pumos are just opposite with more watage of water.
4)With more water use, soil often become saline or loose its nutirients in modern methods.

5)Modern methods especially the canal irrigation system is more dispute prone, along with harmful for environmnet.

Although we have increased the efficiency & human induced irrigation opportunity in modern methof=ds but they too face thei unique problem.

It is a well known fact that irrigation increase the productivtity of crop. Its best example is the unique differnce b/w cropping system in Punjab- haryana & eastern india. For more productivity we need to not depend on rain for our irrigation, instead modern techniques should be made available to all parts of country. Moreover all this should maintain a balance with sustainability of region.

Hope you understand
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