make a story about animal extinction! (3 paragraphs)
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Meet some very special species whose existence came to a tragic end…
Earth is home to lots of wonderful wildlife, but sadly, some species that once called our planet home today no longer exist. These are known as extinct animals.
And we’re not just talking about roar-some prehistoric dinosaurs! There are ‘recently extinct’ animals, too – animals that have died out since the 1500s. Join us as we travel back in time to discover the sad stories of eight of these incredible creatures…
All that remains today of the dodo are a few bones and partial skeletons – so it’s no wonder we have the expression ‘dead as a dodo’! But these chubby, flightlessbirds were once alive and well in the forests of Mauritius. Their tragic tale began in the 16th century, when Dutch sailors arrived on the island and hunted this brilliant bird. The main cause of the dodo’s extinction, however, was the animals the sailors brought with them, such as cats, pigsand rats – they guzzled on dodo eggs and out-competed the birds for food, wiping them out by the 1680s.island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, the birds had never learned any reason to be fearful of humans, so when European explorers first began to visit the island in the 17th century, the dodos were apparently so unsuspecting they could be picked up by hand straight from the wild and killed.
Although the dodo was never a particularly numerous species (the fact that it was flightless made it susceptible to floods and forest fires, which apparently kept its population naturally low), within less than a century of its discovery, interference by humans had led to its extinction. But it's by no means alone—the stories behind the disappearance of 10 other creatures are listed here
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The Exquisite Almost Extinct
Bird of Paradise is a very beautiful bird. This bird is quite strange. In humans, girls usually like to dress up. However, it is different from this bird.
Female paradise is very simple. Their fur is brownish, similar to crows. Whereas male love has thick colorful feathers and beautiful dangling. Not only that, male paradise is also very fond of dancing.
Paradise is very tempting to humans. This bird is also hunted. His survival was threatened by danger in the 1970s. At that time, the beauty of Paradiseend began to be known to Europe. People are competing to decorate their homes with paradise. In fact, it doesn't matter even if the paradise is dead. This means that paradise is preserved. How sad the fate of this bird is.
Now, the fate of paradise is very sad. because of human greed, this beautiful animal is almost extinct.
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