Make a table to show deficiency dises,their symptoms,cause and the food item that should be taken to cure the deficiency.
Types of Vitamins
Deficiency Diseases
A (Retinol)
Night blindness
B1 (Thiamine)
B2 (Riboflavin)
Retarded growth, bad skin
B12 (Cyanocobalamin)
C (Ascorbic acid)
D (Calciferol)
K (Phylloquinone)
Excessive bleeding due to injury
Types of Minerals
Deficiency Diseases
Brittle bones, excessive bleeding
Bad teeth and bones
Hope it helps u
Goitre, enlarged thyroid gland
Low appetite, retarded growth
This topic gives you an overview of;
Deficiency Diseases
Undernutrition and Malnutrition
How to Overcome Deficiency in Nutrients
Deficiency Diseases
Diseases that occur due to lack of nutrients over a long period are called deficiency diseases or nutritional disease. Deficiency of one or more nutrients can cause diseases or disorders in our body. For example, wheat is rich in carbohydrates, but poor in nutrients like proteins and fats. Too much intake of wheat products results in a deficiency of proteins and fats, which reduces growth. Lack of proteins also results in stunted growth, skin diseases, swelling of the face and discolouration of the hair, and even causes diarrhoea.
Deficiency of different vitamins and minerals may also result in certain diseases or disorders. So a balanced diet is required to avoid deficiency diseases. Some diseases/disorders caused by deficiency of vitamins and minerals.
Undernutrition and Malnutrition
The consumption of less quantity of food than the amount required by the body is known as 'Undernutrition'. On other hand, lack of some essential nutrients in the diet is known as 'Malnutrition'.
Causes of Malnutrition
Shortage of Food
Faulty Food Habits
Faulty Food Distribution
How to Overcome Deficiency in Nutrients
Some of the ways you can overcome deficiency diseases are listed below.
Eat simple inexpensive foods
Eat inexpensive but wholesome food like groundnut, pulses, satto and soyabean.
Proper cooking
Many food items lose their food value by wrong method of cooking or processing. Prolonged heating of food items, keeping cut fruits or vegetables for a longer period spoil their nutritional value.
Sprouting and fermentation
Sprouting and Fermentation help in enhancing nutritive value of food.
Prevent wastage of food
Cook the right amount of food and store the food items in its respective places. For e.g., store fruits and vegetables in refrigerator, store cereals pulses and spices in airtight containers.
Deficiency of one or more nutrients in our food for a long time may cause certain diseases or disorders.
A small intake of food than required is known as undernutrition.
The lack of some of the essential nutrients in the diet is known as malnutrition.
Sprouting and fermentation help in increasing the nutritive value of food.
A balanced diet is required to avoid deficiency diseases.