make pairs of sentences to show the diffence between the meaning of following homograph .
left ,just, mind
Homographs are words with the same spelling but different meanings. The pronunciation may or may not be the same. They often cause confusion but can also be used to add a touch of humour to expression.
Left (direction): Instead of turning right she took a left turn and reached the other side of the city.
Left (to forget something): He was in such a hurry that he left his laptop at the X-ray machine at the airport.
Just (impartial): King Ashoka always passed fair judgements and is remembered as a just ruler.
Just (an expression of time): I will be back in just a minute.
Mind (to be irritated): The young man did not mind offering his seat to the old lady.
Mind (thinking part of humans): Practicing yoga helps calm the mind and get rid of stress.
left ( to leave )
Jungkook had left before it began to rain.
left ( direction )
Jennie turned to her left and saw the beautiful garden.
just ( now )
Jin has just left the restaurant
just ( justice )
It is the duty of a judge to be just.
mind ( brain )
Lisa soon made up her mind to come with us.
mind ( to feel annoyed, upset or uncomfortable )
Never mind something will happen pretty soon.