Make resurch project on greenhouse effect
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Green House Effect is heating up of earth's atmosphere due to the trapping of intra-red ray. (reflected from the earth's surface) by the carbon dioxide layer in the atmosphere is called green-house effect.
The green-house effect in the atmosphere occurs due to the presence of a blanket of carbon-dioxide gas in the atmosphere. This blanket of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere allows the sunlight to come in freely but does not allow the intra-red radiation reflected by the earth's surface to go out. It is just because the sun light can come in freely but the intra-red rays cannot go out freely that the temperature of earth's atmosphere is raised.
The rise in temperature produce gas in the by green-house effect on earth's atmosphere depends on the amount of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. In other words, the proportion of carbon dioxide in atmosphere effects the temperature of atmosphere. So, if the proportion of carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere increases, than the temperature of earth's atmosphere will also rise further.
What is Green House Effect ?
The name "Green-house effect" comes from the fact that this effect is use in horticulture for the up bringing of green plant's in small house made of glass walls and glass root. The green walls and roofs of a green-house allows the sun-light to come in freely but it does not allows the long wavelength infrared radiations reflected by the soil, plants and other contents of green house to go out. These trapped intra-red rays show their heating effect due to which the temperature is raised inside the green house. Thus, even without an external supply of heat, the temperature inside a green house is found to be higher than it is outside. Thus, green house acts as a heat trap. Due to the presence of carbon dioxide, our atmosphere acts like the glass rat of an ordinary horticultural green-house.
Causes of Green House Effect
The principal cause of Green-House effect is the increase in the quantity of green house gases like CO2 in the atmosphere. The naturally occurring "Green House gases", including carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide and water vapor, keep ground temperature at a global average of 150 Celsius. without this natural blanked earth's surface would be about 300 Celsius colder than it is today, making the planet a freezing barren, lifeless place similar to Mars. The green house gases keep the surface warm because as incoming solar radiation strikes earths, the surface gives off infrared radiation or heat, that the gases temporarily trap and keep near ground level.
Problem from Green House Effect
The problem is that human activity may be making the green house gas blanket "thicker" For example, burning tonsil fuel throws huge amounts of CO2 into the air, the destruction of forests allows carbon stored in the trees to escape into the atmosphere and other activities such as raising cattle and planting rice emit methane, nitrous oxide, and other green house gases. Until man kind began burning fossil fuels, green house gases that occur naturally remained in relative balance. But the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in Britain ushered in rapid industrialization that greatly increased man's assault on the ecology.
Importance of Carbon Dioxide- The Green House Effect
Carbon dioxide present in small proportion (0.03%) is nonetheless a very important member of the atmosphere. The proportion of (O2) is maintained by a host of difference processes. The major consumers of CO2 from the atmosphere are the green plants use the CO2 to prepare their tool and the oceans dissolve the CO2 in the form of carbonates. The major suppliers of CO2 to the atmosphere are the volcanic earth processes and living organisms. The atmosphere gains CO2 from the volcanoes which release this gas from the interior of the earth and from organisms in the process of their respiration and decay. In this manner both the atmosphere and the oceans continuously exchange CO2 with the rocks, plants and higher organisms.
Role of Carbondioxide in Green House Effect
The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also performs another major role. The earth receives light of different wavelengths from the sun. The Ozone in the upper atmosphere absorbs most of the harmful ultraviolet radiation and lets the other wavelengths pass through. However, some of the light incident on earth is reflected back in the form of intra-red light that is light whose wavelength is greater than that of red light. Carbon dioxide molecules have the ability to absorb the intra-red radiation reflected from the earth. A blanket of CO2 can, therefore, trap intra-red light in the atmosphere causing the atmosphere to heat up-This heating due to trapped radiation is called the Green House effect.