English, asked by Anonymous, 10 months ago

Make sentence on

1 Chasm
2 Span the tide
3 ye
4 late evening
5 pit fall


Answered by gajalbhattal


1 there was nothing but the a gaping chasm where the temple had been.

2 a bridse span a river.

3 'here ye go' sade the old man

Answered by syed2020ashaels

1)Chasm means a hole or cleft in the surface.

Eg There is a huge chasm besides the rocks

Figuratively it means difference, divison etc.

The chasm between the politicians and the people who elect them.

It is used as a noun.

2)Span the tide- You must be referring to the poem " The pilgrim" because in general English there is no such thing as span the tide.

"And built a bridge to span the tide"

In the poem it means to cross the river.

3)Ye- Ye means you. It was used in medieval english. It is generally used as a poetic or religious word.

A line in King James Bible - Judge not, that ye be not judged. It means judge not or you will also be judged.

4)Late evening-

Late is used as an adjective or an adverb

Evening is a noun or an adverb

Sentence -

1)He reached home by late evening.

2)He reached home in the late evening.

3)By the late evening,the restaurant was completely filled.

5)Pitfall- It means a hidden danger or difficulties.

It literally means a trap . A covered space used as a trap.

Eg The pitfalls of investing a large amount of money in stock markets.

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