make sentences on tenant, lodger, stammered, supernatural, anxious, Influenza
- If your lodger is an occupier with basic protection, you must serve them a written 'notice to quit'. The notice period will depend on the tenancy or agreement, but is often at least 4 weeks. If your lodger does not leave, you'll need to get a court order to evict them.
Word Meanings:-
1) Tenant= One who lives in a house or room and pay rent to the person who owns it.
2) Lodger= Guest, or someone who pays rent for his/her stay in someone's house.
3) Stammered= Spoke with pauses due to nervousness.
4) Supernatural= Something that cannot be explained with any reason.
5) Anxious= Worried
6) Influenza= A symptom of bad cold.
Make Sentences:-
1) Tenant= They have tenants in their house.
2) Lodger= My grandparents have a lodger, who is living with them since last 2 years.
3) Stammered= He always stammered while talking to me.
4) Supernatural= Ghosts are supernatural creatures.
5) Anxious= My father is always anxious about my studies.
6) Influenza= My sister caught influenza, we called the doctor immediately.