Biology, asked by MaheraHyatKhan645, 1 year ago

Make three tables about Fabaceae , Solanaceae , and Liliaceae families


Answered by jhachetna31

@heya dear!!


  • This family was earlier called papilonoideae, a subfamily of family leguminosae.

vegetative characters:-

  • Trees, shrubs, herbs; root with root nodules


  • erect or climber


  • alternate, pinnately compound or simple

Floral characters:-

(i) Infloresence-- racemose

(ii) Flower-- bisexual, zygomorphic

(iii) Calyx-- Sepals(5), gameosepalous, imbricate aestivation

(iv) Corolla-- petals (5), polypetalous,

(v) Androecium-- ten, diadelphous

(vi) Gynoecium-- Ovary superior, mono carpellary,

(vii) Fruit-- legume, non-endosprmic

Economic importance:--

many plant belonging to this family are the sources of pulses (gram, arhar, sem, moong, soyabean,)

Dye (indigofera).......


  • It is a large family, commonly called as potato family.

Vegetative characters--

plant mostly herbs, shrubs, and small trees.

Stem-- herbaceous rarely woody, cylindrical

Leaves-- alternate, simple, pinnately compound

Floral characters--

(i) Inflorescence-- solitary, axillary

(ii) Flower-- bisexual, actinomorphic

(iii) Calyx-- sepals five , united,

(iv) Corolla-- petals five , united

(v) Androecium-- stamen (5), epipetalous

(vi) Gynoecium-- bicarpellary, syncarpous, ovary superior

(vii) Fruit-- berry or capsule

(viii) seeds-- many, endospermous

Economic importance--

many plant belonging to this family are the sources of food (Tomato, brinjal, potato) ; spice (chilli); medicine (belladona)......


  • commonly called as the Lily family is a characteristic representative of monocotyledonous family.

Vegetative characters---

  • Leaves-- mostoly basal, alternate, linear,

Floral characters--

(i) Inflorescence-- solitary/cymose ; often umbellate clusters

(ii) Flower-- bisexual; actinomorphic

(iii) Perianth-- tepals (3+3); valvate aestivation

(iv) Androcium-- stamen (3+3)

(v) Gynoecium-- Tricarpellary , syncarpous, axile placentation

(vi) Fruit-- capsule, rarely berry

(vii) Seed-- endospermous

Economic importance--

many plant belonging to this family are good ornamental (tulip, Gloriosa) source of medicine( Aloe)

vegetables( colchicum autumnale).....


hope it's help you

mark as brainliest

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