mammary gland secreate which hormone
Both males and females have glandular tissue within the breasts; however, in females the glandular tissue begins to develop after puberty in response to estrogen release. Mammary glands only produce milk after childbirth. During pregnancy, the hormones progesterone and prolactin are released.
Hope it will help you☺.
→Human female has a pair of mammary gland (Breasts) that contain glandular tissue and fatty tissue.
→Each glandular tissue is divided into 15 to 20 Mamali lobes consists of a group of alveoli.
→The alvali open into mammary tubules
→The mammary tubules of each lobes open into small mammary duct.
→Several mama redux join to form a wider memory ampulla that is connected to lactiferous duct just before the nipple through which milk is released.