English, asked by Skeshri5993, 3 months ago

Man is the slave of his habits


Answered by sometirthadutta

I cannot recall when I learned this proverb( probably in primary school) but after growing up I understood it is absolutely right. They say habit is something that cannot be changed at once and of course, it’s impossible to go back once it got changed. Habit, though good or bad, is like addiction. Nobody knows where it will drag your mind to & what it will do with your life. Still, we are slave of our habit.

In our locality, there is a person I know, have habit of feeding dogs. He is too poor to run his family, his children read in a local primary school where fee is nominal but he cannot bear that too. But he must give biscuits to the street dogs twice a day. It’s indeed a good habit. But( I think) does it worth? His first duty is to maintain his family, grow children well, feed them enough and then comes habit. Isn’t it? Tell me, is it a good habit or bad?

Like, nobody dies without smoking or drinking addictions. But those who are addicted, they always scare of the life without their habit, without the utopia they created for them only. But why? Are all of them mad or they does not know the reality? For HABIT of course. Might be, a denial to accept the practical world works in them.

Let’s talk something else. We all are somehow, somewhat, somewhere are the same inside. We all face same situation, same problems in different manner, in different time of life. Let me tell you, what habit has done to me:

Old days: I remember clearly, when I was leaving my primary school and got admission in secondary school, I wept so badly because I had to go to a new school, new class room with new class mates.it felt like, I could not do this ever, I loved my previous school, previous friends, previous class room. How I could leave them & go to a new place? But after some days of classes I made new friends.life became the same again. HABIT helped me that time. Then the day came when we had to leave higher secondary school, I used to think that I cannot live without my friends( and my friends also do the same, I am sure) . We promised that we would keep communication, must meet once in a fortnight, would always share what’s happening to us like this always etc. etc. etc. HABIT helped me again!

Recently: You know, in Kolkata old building structures have high ceilings than new buildings have now. And my office is on top( 5th) floor of an old building. I used stairs rarely since I joined my office. Now, on last month the lift needed to be repaired & we have to use stairs. Trust me, those first 10 days were miserable. After climbing so many stairs( that too comparatively higher than normal stairs), no energy remains in me and breath as well. Lift was gone for a month( they detected a major fault while repairing and it took nearly a month) and I scared how I will climb this height every day? Even I gave a thought to leave the job for this reason only! One fine day I noticed that my breath is close to normal after climbing so many stairs & the task didn’t remain that tough as earlier it appeared to be. And, my old jeans fitted my waist again. I realized that HABIT has done its best for me. We all know it’s healthy to climb stairs but how many of us do this? I done this because I was bound and see, I got benefited. It’s no doubt a good habit. So now, everyday I try to catch the previous metro, reach before time and climb stairs avoiding lift for my tummy’s sake!(: -P)* I accept to be a slave.

Practice makes a man perfect. You know, practice is mother of habit. If you want to learn something or to become a master of any particular job you must practice the same as much as possible. It’s mandatory to build a good habit or to come out of a bad habit. You do practice, and habit will take over the game silently, slowly. You will never know when you became habituated. So, it is important to choose your actions which you do repetitively.

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