English, asked by taylorxolani593, 11 months ago

many young people struggle to cope with post school destination. write a short essay in which you focus on the following. discuss 2 reasons why young people find the transition between school & university challenging ​


Answered by balouch121



Young people find the transition between school and university challenging for various reasons as discussed in the followings:

During the transition from School to University, students will have to take more responsibilities for their own learning. At University, they are not closely directed nor monitored by their lecturers in what and how to learn. They have more freedom to attend lectures or not, or take notes or not during lectures. However, they will still be assessed and af least pass their set assignments and examination to demonstrate to the University that they have fulfilled course requirements satisfactorily to progress further. Thus, they have to be self-directed and be responsible for their own learning.

However compared to University, learning for students at School are mostly teacher-directed and closely monitored by the teacher. They have less freedom to decide to attend classes or not. Thus, if they skip classes, they will have to provide good reasons for fheir absence. Repetition may result in them being expelled from School.

Clearly, then, students in the transitional period from School to University, will have to quickly learn how to cope with the challenges aforementioned. Unless, School students are able to make quick adjustments to fhe new approach and frèer environment to learning at University, they will have difficulties in their course progression at University, hence the challenge.

Materials learned at School are foundation for materials to be learned at University. Unless, students have a reasonably sound foundation at High School, they will struggle at University.

Af University, students are taught higher order learning. They learn to think and analyse things/issues in greater depth and are expected to be more rational, and more critical in their discussion or treament of issues. They also are challenged to seek for evidence to support their argument on a point. In such situation, students who merely express their own opinions and not ones based on evidence, will not do. These are learning challenges which School students face while transiting from School to University.

At University, students are learning more and harder concepts and theories and will be asking the ‘why' question to a happening or issue more frequently. Moreover, they are learning on how to apply these concepts and theories to practice. Thus, students in the transition from School to University will be facing this learning challenges in things taught and will therefore need to quickly and successfully meet them to progress well at University.

There are also many extra-curricular activities at University. Thus, due to the greater freedom, students need to decide how to best use their time on studies and involvement in the extra-curricular activities. It is their responsibility at University to address this challenge. No one will monitor their time commitment and advise them on how best to meet this challenge.

This challenge also includes the issue of romatic involvement as opportunities to meet the opposite sex are abundant. The challenge clearly then is to make wise choices in time allocation such that their involvement to these extra-curricular activities and commitment to studies are balanced and they can progress satisfactorily through their courses at university.

All this call for a degree of personal maturity, responsibility and wise decisions. These are then some of the obvious challenges faced by school students in their transition to University.

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