Match the binomials of some common local organisms from a two column list on the basis of generic and specific names
1. Most acceptable concept of species is –
(1) Static concept
(2) Biological concept
(3) Typological concept
(4) Genetic concept
2. Artificial system of classification classifies plants on the basis of-
(1) One or two characters
(2) Phylogenetic trends
(3) Many naturally existing characters
(4) None of the above
3. The term new systematics was introduced by –
(1) Linnaeus
(2) Bentham
(3) Hutchinson
(4) Huxley
4. Group of organisms that closely resemble each other and freely interbreed in nature, constitute a-
(1) Species
(2) Genus
(3) Family
(4) Taxon
5. ICBN was first revised in –
(1) 1961
(2) 1964
(3) 1975
(4) 1753
6. The term taxon refers to –
(1) Name of a species
(2) Name of genus
(3) Name of family
(4) A taxonomic group of any rank
7. The herbarium specimen on whose basis a new species is described for the first time is called as
(1) Syntype
(2) Holotype
(3) Paratype
(4) Neotype
8. The scientific naming of plants began with publication of Linnaeus book –
(1) Genera plantarum
(2) Systema naturae
(3) Species plantarum
(4) Charaka sanhita
9. Which book most impressed the opinion of taxonomists –
(1) Enquiry into plants
(2) Origin of life
(3) Genera plantarum
(4) Origin of species
10. The basic unit of classification is –
(1) Genus
(2) Species
(3) Order
(4) All of the above
11. Suffix for sub species is –
(1) Phytina
(2) Oideae
(3) Ineae
(4) None
12. Individuals of same species having non-genetic differences due to environment are called –
(1) Biotypes
(2) Ecotype
(3) Ecophenes
(4) None
13. Morphologically similar but reproductively isolated species are called –
(1) Neontological species
(2) Sibling species
(3) Allopatric species
(4) Morpho-species
14. Plant nomenclature means :
(1) To give names to plants without any-rules
(2) Nomenclature of plants under the international rules
(3) Nomenclature of plants in local language
(4) Nomenclature of plants in English language
15. Taxonomy refers to –
(1) Plant classification
(2) Plant nomenclature
(3) Plant affinity
(4) All the above
16. Which of the following is a correct name -
(1) Solanum tuberosum
(2) Solanum Tuberosum
(3) Solanum tuberosum Linn
(4) All the above
17. Systematics deals with –
(1) Classification
(2) Nomenclature
(3) Plant description
(4) Plant exploration
18. Scientific name of Mango plant is Mangifera indica (Linn.) Santapau. In the above name Santapau refers to –
(1) Variety of Mango
(2) A taxonomist who proposed the present nomenclature in honour of linnaeus
(3) A scientist who for the first time described Mango plant
(4) A scientist who changed the name proposed by Linnaeus and proposed present name
19. Type specimen selected from the original material in case the holotype is missing, is called –
(1) Lectotype
(2) Neotype
(3) Syntype
(4) Para type
20. Phylogeny refers to –
(1) Natural classification
(2) Evolutionary classification
(3) Evolutionary history
(4) Origin of algae
21. Static concept of species is given by –
(1) Linnaeus
(2) Bentham
(3) Koch
(4) Mayr
22. In taxonomy the first step is:
(1) Identification
(2) Nomenclature
(3) Classification
(4) Affinities
23. The suffix - inae signifies the rank:
(1) Tribe
(2) Subtribe
(3) Suborder
(4) Sub family
24. Species living in different geographical areas an called –
(1) Allochronic
(2) Allopatric
(3) Sympatric
(4) Siblings
25. A large number of unknown species of plants and animals are believed to be present in –
(1) Temperate forests
(2) Antarctica
(3) Taiga
(4) Tropical forest
26. Biological concept of species proposed by
(1) Linnaeus
(2) Mayr
(3) John Ray
(4) De Candolle
27. For higher plants, flowers are chiefly used as a basis of classification, because –
(1) These show a great variety in colour
(2) It can be preserved easily
(3) Reproductive parts are more conservative than vegetative parts
(4) None of these
28. Individuals of same species having genetic variation and occur in same environment are called-
(1) Biotypes
(2) Ecotype
(3) Ecophenes
(4) Ecads
29. The smallest unit of classification is -
(1) Family
(2) Order
(3) Genus
(4) Species
30. The binomial system of nomenclature was initially proposed by –
(1) Magnus
(2) Bauhin
(3) Caesalpinno
(4) Discorides
31. Biochemical resemblances are used in the identification of
(1) Protistan species
(2) Moneran species
(3) Fungal species
(4) Higher plants
32. Concept of phylogeny was proposed by -
(1) John Ray
(2) Lamarck
(3) Ernest Haeckel
(4) Darwin
33. A division is formed by combining several -
(1) Orders
(2) Families
(3) Classes
(4) Tribes
34. An international code of botanical nomenclature was first proposed in the year:
(1) 1930
(2) 1830
(3) 1913
(4) 1813
35. For declaration of new species of higher plants, what characters are used –
(1) Floral character of new species
(2) Anatomical characters of new species
(3) Physiological character of new species
(4) Character of endosperm
Binomial Nomenclature is a two-term naming system that uses two different terms to name the species, plants, animals and living organisms. Binomial Nomenclature is also known as Binary Nomenclature. The two terms consist of a generic epithet which is genus (category) of that species, and specific epithet which indicates the species itself. This two-term naming system can also use some other different languages to create such scientific names. These scientific names are unique and help in identifying organisms anywhere in the world. Let us learn more about the system of Nomenclature.