Science, asked by gayakesanskruti, 6 months ago

Match the items in column ‘A’ with the proper ones in coloum ‘B’ and explain their impact on the environment.

Column ‘A’                                       Column ‘B’

1. Harmful waste                             a. Glass, rubber, carry bags, etc.

2. Domestic waste                           b. Chemicals, pigments, ash, etc.

3. Biomedical waste                        c. Radioactive material

4. Industrial waste                           d. Left over food, vegetables, peelings of fruits.

5. Urban waste                                 e. Bandages, cotton, needles, etc.​


Answered by rathisidhant20




Answered by kamblesushma816


  1. Harmful waste ➜ Radioactive material.
  2. Domestic waste ➜ Leftover food, vegetables, peelings of fruits.
  3. Biomedical waste ➜ Bandeges, cotton, needles, etc.
  4. Industrial waste ➜ Chemicals, pigments, ash, etc.
  5. Urban waste ➜ Glass, rubber, carry bags, etc.

Imapact of the environment :

(1) Harmful waste - Radioactive material.

Radioactive material causes damage to cells and DNA. It brings about sudden and drastic changes in the genetic material and hence cause harmful in future generations too. The radioactive material remains accumulated in the environment for a long period. This causes long term damage to the resident flora and fauna.

(2) Domestic waste - Leftover food, vegetables, peelings of fruits.

In every household, the domestic waste is composed of left over food or vegetable and fruit refuse material. If thrown anywhere, it causes bad stink. Since all these material is biodegradable, it may be degraded down to simple minerals. But during their decomposition, they may host many flies, fungi and other harmful germs. Therefore, domestic waste should be properly disposed of to make valuable manure. Otherwise it's impact on the environment can ever cause epidemics of diseases besides making the surroundings unclean and unhygienic.

(3) Biomedical waste - Bandeges, cotton, needles, etc.

Biomedical waste should be disposed off very carefully. It should be incinerated at the source. Such biomedical wastes contain blood, pus or other products which may be full of germs and thus are potentially dangerous. Needles can be misused by the drug addicts or other people. This can contrast diseases like AIDS or hepatatis B. The sight of such biomedical waste looks filthy. In order to save other lives, the biomedical wastes should be disposed with utmost care.

(4) Industrial waste - Chemicals, pigments, ash, etc.

Industrial waste is an inevitable outcome of the development. Various processes taking place in the industries can cause generation of many toxic and hazardous chemical acids and other substances. Such substances are highly polluting and can remain accumulated in the surrounding environment. The flora and fauna is destroyed due to industrial wastes.

(5) Urban waste - Glass, rubber, carry bags, etc.

Due to urban lifestyle, there is greater use of plastic and rubber in the urban surroundings. The callous attitude of people results into throwing glass, rubber, or plastc carry bags anywhere. There is no feeling of responsibility and civic sense among the cosmopolitan urban settlements. This results to creation of lots of urban waste.

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