math formulas for class 4th
Step-by-step explanation:
Perimeter of a rectangle = 2 (length + width)
Area of rectangle = length × width.
The perimeter of a square = 4 × side length.
Area of square =Side length × side length.
The volume of cuboid = length × width × height.
Profit = Selling price - cost price.
Class 6
Important Formulas
Chapter 4 - Basic Geometrical Ideas
If a, b, c, etc are whole numbers, then
1. a + b is a whole number. [Closure property of addition]
2. ax b is a whole number. [Closure property of multiplication]
3. (a - b) may or may not be a whole number.
4. a + b may or may not be a whole number
5. a+b=b+a
6. axb=bxa
7. a - b is not equal to b-a if a and bare unequal.
8. a + b is not equal to b + a ifa and b are unequal.
9. a+b=b+aif and only if a = b.
10. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) [Associativity of addition].
11 ax (bx c) = (ax b) xc [Associativity of Multiplication).
12. ax (b+c) = axb+ axc [Distributive of multiplication over addition].
13. ax (b-c) = axb-axc, if b>c [Distributive of multiplication over Subtraction].
14. a+0=a=0+ a [Existence of multiplicative identity].
15. ax0=0=0xa JExistence of multiplication identity]
16. ax 1 a 1x a
17. a + 1 = a.
18. In general (a - b)-ca-(b-c).
19. In general (a + b)+c+a+(b + c).
20. If a is dividend, b(#0) divisor, q quotient and r remainder, then a = bq + r.
[Division algorithm]