mathematics behind metro routes
In view of such frameworks, passages with Peak Hour Peak Direction Trips are chosen. A metro is typically favored in hallways where PHPDT is over 30000. These are likewise used to discover objective routes for Busses.
Also, there are consulting firms which help with the mathematics while the routes are being decided.
Basically, there is nothing in the world, behind which there is no math. But today we are going to know about the math behind the metro routes. Though it hears to be very simple but it isn’t!
Metro routes are at a perspective completely based on math. The calculation of speed of a train by which it is travelling and the time between which each metro reaches a station should be exact or there would be a very big accident as the metros would collide into each other.
In the mathematical area of topology, a train tracks is a family of curves embedded on a surface, meeting the following conditions:
1. The curves meet at a finite set of vertices called switches.
2. Away from the switches, the curves are smooth and do not touch each other.
3. At each switch, three curves meet with the same tangent line, with two curves entering from one direction and one from the other.
The main application of train tracks in mathematics is to study laminations of surfaces, that is, partitions of closed subsets of surfaces into unions of smooth curves. Train tracks have also been used in graph drawing.
A lamination of a surface is a partition of a closed subset of the surface into smooth curves. The study of train tracks was originally motivated by the following observation: If a generic lamination on a surface is looked at from a distance by a myopic person, it will look like a train track.
A switch in a train track models a point where two families of parallel curves in the lamination merge to become a single family, as shown in the illustration. Although the switch consists of three curves ending in and intersecting at a single point, the curves in the lamination do not have endpoints and do not intersect each other. There are mathematical displaying strategies like gravity demonstrating and so on to touch base at Origin - Destination Matrices for a city. It essentially gives the no. of treks between various Traffic investigation zones in a city in light of land utilize conveyance in a city. Doing that is not as simple as it sounds. It is an exceptionally complex process including looking over family units to touch base at parameters to be utilized as a part of the modeling.
In view of such frameworks, passages with Peak Hour Peak Direction Trips are chosen. A metro is typically favored in hallways where PHPDT is over 30000. These are likewise used to discover objective routes for Buses. Also, there are consulting firms which help with the mathematics while the routes are being decided.
hope it helps!