English, asked by m5ukuttayushima, 1 year ago

May i know which of these proverbs is correct 1-absence makes the heart grow fonder 2-out of sight, out of mind


Answered by Anonymous
these are correct.......
Answered by SelieVisa


Absence makes the heart grow fonder

Absence makes the heart grow fonder is a proverb that means when someone you love is faraway, you realise how much you love or miss them. In other words, when people we love are not with us, we love them even more. The time you spend away from one you love makes you love that person even more.

The word "absence" means to be away. To "grow fonder" is to care more. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. The time you spend away from someone you love makes you love that person even more. "Out of sight, out of mind" is impossible between people who care for each other. An example of this proverb can be seen between children and parents. If children are out of sight, it doesn't mean the parents have forgotten them. In fact they may be thinking more of them and will try to get back to them as quickly as possible. When children are living with their parents, they take it for granted and think nothing of it. But when their parents are away from home, they will miss them so much and are extremely glad when they see them.

When someone you care for is away, you miss that person and think about them often, and that feeling makes you want to be with them even more.

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