MCQ of dust of snow
Q1- Who is the poet of the poem "Dust of Snow"?
A) Leslie Norris
B) Robert Frost
C) Carolyn Wells
D) Robin Klein
Q2- Why does the poet call it "dust of snow"?
A) snow particles were too tiny
B) they came over him like dust
C) they felt like dust
D) they looked like dust
Q3- The poet says, "Of a day I had rued". What is the meaning of "rued"?
A) ruined
B) held in regret
C) ruled
D) conquered
Q4- What uplifted his mood?
A) falling of snow on his shoulder
B) the crow
C) hemlock tree
D) all of the above
Q5- What is the rhyme scheme of the poem?
A) baba cdcd
B) abab cdcd
C) abab cddc
D) abba cdcd
Q6- Name the poetic device used in the line "Has given my heart"
A) alliteration
B) metaphor
C) oxymoron
D) similie
Q7- Name the poetic device used in the line "And saved some part"
A) alliteration
B) metaphor
C) oxymoron
D) similie
Q8- What does "Dust of Snow" represent?
A) healing power of nature
B) particles of snow
C) cool weather
D) none of the above
Q9- What are the two negative creatures that Frost used as carriers of positivity?
A) snow, dust
B) hemlock tree, snow
C) snow, crow
D) hemlock tree, crow
Q10- The crow and Hemlock tree symbolize ____
A) sorrow
B) happiness
C) celebration
D) death
Under which tree was poet standing?
1. jackfruit tree
2. apple tree
3. hemlock tree
4. none of the above
answer: 3. hemlock tree
what fell on the poet?
1. dust
2. snowflakes
3. white flower
4. all of the above
answer: 2. snowflakes
hope it helps...