English, asked by sindhujosephv, 10 months ago

2. "Mending
Wall by Robert Frost presents a complict
between traditional belief and modern thought.
common neighbour of both the poet
and his neighbour, what would be your sugge-
stions to settle the matter?
eller hould never betray
If you
are the​


Answered by dhwaniverma850


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“Mending Wall” is a poem by the American poet Robert Frost. It was published in 1914, as the first entry in Frost’s second book of poems, North of Boston. The poem is set in rural New England, where Frost lived at the time—and takes its impetus from the rhythms and rituals of life there. The poem describes how the speaker and a neighbor meet to rebuild a stone wall between their properties—a ritual repeated every spring. This ritual raises some important questions over the course of the poem, as the speaker considers the purpose of borders between people and the value of human work.

You can read the full text of “Mending Wall” here.

“Mending Wall” Summary

There is some force that doesn’t like walls. It causes the frozen ground to swell underneath a wall, and the wall's upper stones then topple off in the warmth of the sun. This creates gaps in the wall so big that two people could walk through them side-by-side. And then there are the hunters who take apart the wall—that’s something different. I often have to come and fix the spots where hunters haven't left a single stone in place, as they tried to flush out the rabbits that hide in the wall in order to make their barking dogs happy. No one has seen or heard these gaps in the wall being made. We just find them there in the spring, when it comes time to fix the wall. I reach out to my neighbor, who lives over a hill, and we find a day to get together and walk along the wall, fixing these gaps as we go. He walks on his side of the wall and I on mine, and we deal only with whatever rocks have fallen off the wall on our side of it. Some of them look like loaves of bread and some are round like balls, so we pray that they’ll stay in place, balanced on top of the wall, saying: "Don’t move until we’re gone!" Our fingers get chafed from picking up the rocks. It’s just another outside activity, each of us on our side of the wall, nothing more

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