Meaning of goblet sleep
The Earthen Goblet - by Harindranath Chattopadyaya
O silent goblet! Red from head to heel,How did you feelWhen you were being twirledUpon the potter's wheelBefore the potter gave you to the world!'I felt a conscious impulse in my clayTo break awayFrom the great potter's handThat burned so warm,I felt a vastFeeling of sorrow to be castInto my present form.'Before that fatal hourThat saw me captive on the potter's wheelAnd cast into his crimson goblet sleep,I used to feelThe fragrant friendship of a little flowerWhose root was in my bosom buried deep.''The potter has drawn out the living breath of meAnd given me a form which is death of me,My past unshapely natural stage was bestWith just one flower flaming through my breast.'
The poem "The earthen goblet" by Harindranath Chattopadhyaya is written to highlight the value of living anatural and unsophisticated life while enjoying the simplicity of life. The poem is written in conversationalform, the poet asks a question from the goblet and the goblet answers him. Although the poem is a conversation between the poet and the goblet, the poet indirectly implies the idea that it's a conversation between him andhis conscience. He narrates his own story with a guilty conscious mind, while regretting the fact that he hasabandoned his natural life style
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