meaning of Herbivores,Carnivores, Ominivores, Scavengers, Decomposers saprotrophic, parastic
herbivorous= plant eating animals
coronavirus= animals who eats other organisum
omnivorous= who eats both animal and plant
parasitic= take the nutrients from others
saprotrophic= take nutrients from dead and decaying matter
if you like it mark my answer as brainliest answer
herbivore is the class of animals that feed on Autotrophs that is they feed on the sole food producer in the food chain Plants. Ex - Cow
Carnivores are the animals that only feed on meat of other animals. Ex- Lion
Omnivores are the animals that eat plants as well as other animals. Ex - Crow
Scavengers are the cleaners of environment they feed on the left overs by the bigger carnivores. Ex - Hyena
Saprotrophic is the mode of the nutrition in which the organism feed on the non living organic matter Ex - Mushroom
Parasitic mode consists of the organisms that derive nutrients from the already digested food other organism that is the host body while causing harm to the host. Ex - Ascaris