World Languages, asked by sk4111059, 3 months ago

meaning of superstition , consider , often , contribution please answer fast​


Answered by meghakharbikar05


I hope this answers is helpful to you


A superstition is a belief or practice typically resulting from ignorance, a misunderstanding of science or causality (false causal attribution), a belief in fate or magic, perceived supernatural influence, or fear of that which is unknown.[1][2] It is commonly applied to beliefs and practices surrounding luck, prophecy, and certain spiritual beings, particularly the belief that future events can be foretold by specific (apparently) unrelated prior events.[3][4]

Also, the word superstition is often used to refer to a religion not practiced by the majority of a given society regardless of whether the prevailing religion contains alleged superstitions.[3]

The superstitious practice of placing a rusty nail in a lemon is believed to ward off the evil eye, tularemia and evil in general, as detailed in the folklore text Popular Beliefs and Superstitions from Utah.[5]

Definitions Edit

Richard Webster's The Encyclopedia of Superstitions summarizes various dictionary definitions by saying that superstitions are irrational fears of the unknown; or blindly accepted irrational beliefs or practices, which are not based on knowledge or facts but ignorance.[6] The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) defines superstition as "unreasonable or irrational or groundless awe, fear, notion or belief about something unknown, mysterious, or imaginary, especially in regard of religion; religious belief or practice based upon fear or ignorance; in specific meaning: An irrational religious belief or practice; a tenet, scruple, habit, etc. based on fear or ignorance".[7][4] According to OED excessively credulous or a widely held but irrational belief in or reverence for the supernatural belief or supernatural influences, especially as leading to good or bad luck, or a practices based on such beliefs also constitutes superstition.[8] Oxford Learners Dictionaries defines superstition as, 'the belief in view that particular events happen in ways that cannot be explained by reason or science; or that the belief that particular events brings good or bad luck for example breaking a mirror brings bad luck.'[9] According to Merriam Webster, a false conception about causation or belief or practice emanating from ignorance, fear of the unknown, trust in magic or chance amounts to superstition.[10] Merriam Webster also defines, those notions which are maintained despite evidence to the contrary as superstitions,[10] Merriam Webster also says that abject attitudes of mind, resulting from superstition towards supernatural, nature or God are also called superstition.[10] Cambridge Dictionary denotes superstition as "belief that is connected with old ideas about magic etc., sans grounding in human reason or scientific knowledge;[11] the dictionary cites Cambridge English Corpus contextually the term superstition might define controversial beliefs, the practice of confessional opponents or the beliefs of the ignorant masses as superstitious.[11] The Cambridge Dictionary further cites American dictionary defining superstition as, a belief that explains the causes for events in ways that are connected to magic which are not based on reason or scientific thinking.[11]

According to Dale Martin, superstitions may represent long standing popular beliefs and practices which presuppose an erroneous understanding about cause and effect, that have been rejected by modern science.[12] Dale says, in modern times, definition of 'superstition' is dependent on whatever is considered 'science' and hence 'superstition' is the 'other' to 'science' and that modern people accepting certain beliefs even may be aware that those are rejected or marginalized by scientific culture;[12] hence superstitions are often considered as out of place in modern times influenced by modern science and its notions of what is rational or irrational, some how surviving as remnants of older popular beliefs and practices.[12]

Consumer behavior analyst John C. Mowen et. al. finds dictionary definitions inadequate and defines 'superstition' as a belief, or set of beliefs and/or practice which believe that specific actions can directly influence the avoidance of undesirable outcomes and/or influence the occurrence of desirable outcomes factually such beliefs are inconsistent with the scientific knowledge available within a culture, and the actions are not causally related to the outcomes.[13]

Answered by saipramothini36


here's ur answer


Superstition -  Mythical or illusiory

consider - to think about something carefully, often before making a decision.

Often - regularly

contribution - something that you give, especially money or help, or do together with other people


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