Meg went back to toast her feet and read
**Isanhoe": and to began to dig paths with great Ivanhoe : o historical
energy. The show was light, and with her broom she novel by Walter Scott
soom swept a path oll round the garden, for Beth to
Invalid dolls the dolls
walk in when the sum came out and the invalid dolls
with broken limbs which
Deeded air. Now, the garden separated the Marches
Beth loves
house from that of Mr Laurence. Both stood in a
suburb of the city, which was still countrylike, with
groves and lowms, large gardens, and quiet streets. A
low bodge parted the two estates. On one side was
an old, brown house, looking rather bare and shabby,
robbed of the vines that in summer covered its walls
and the flowers, which then surrounded it. On the
other side was a stately stone mansion, plainly
betokening every sort of comfort and luxury from the betekening : a sign of
big coach house and well-kept grounds to the
conservatory and the glimpses of lovely things one
conservatory: glass room
cought between the rich curtains. Yet it seemed a
outside the house used as
groen house too.
lonely, lifeless sort of house, for no children frolicked
on the lawn, no motherly face ever smiled at the
windows, and few people went in and out, except the
old gentleman and his grandson
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