mening of lyophilic colloids
Lyophilic colloids are liquid loving colloids (Lyo means solvent and philic means loving). When these colloids are mixed with the suitable liquid, high force of attraction exists between colloidal particles and liquid. This result in formation of very stable solution called lyophilic sol.
What are Lyophilic Colloids?
Lyophilic colloids are liquid loving colloids (Lyo means solvent and philic means loving). When these colloids are mixed with the suitable liquid, high force of attraction exists between colloidal particles and liquid. This result in formation of very stable solution called lyophilic sol. These sols are formed by substances like gums, starch and proteins. Lyophilic sol can be easily prepared by directly mixing colloid with the liquid.
Note: Water loving colloids are called Hydrophilic colloids and colloidal dispersion formed is called Hydrophilic sol.
Stability & Reversibility
In Lyophilic Sol, forces of interaction between colloidal particles and liquid are quite strong. Hence, Lyophilic Sols are very stable and do not precipitate/coagulate easily. However addition of very large quantities of electrolytes can cause particles to precipitate. If large quantity of liquid is added to precipitations or the colloidal solution is stirred properly lyophilic sols can regain their original state. This shows that lyophilic sols are also reversible in nature.
Electrical Behavior
Under the influence of electric field the sol particles does move in definite direction. Depending upon the type of charge, they move towards anode or cathode or may not move at all