Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case.(a) Polished wooden table(b) Chalk powder(c) Cardboard surface(d) Marble floor with water spread over it(e) Mirror(f) Piece of paper
(a) Polished wooden table - regular reflection
A polished surface is an example of asmooth surface. A polished wooden table has 9- smooth surface.Hence, reflections from the polished table will be regular.
(b) Chalk powder - Diffused reflection
Chalkpowerspread on a surfaceIsan exampleof an irregular surface. It is not smooth. Therefore, diffused reflection will take place
from chalk powder.
(c) Cardboard surface - Diffused reflection
Cardboard surface is also an example of an irregular surface. Hence,diffused reflection will take place from a cardboard surface.
(d) Marble floor with water spread over it - Regular reflection
Marble floor withwaterspreadoveritisan example of a regularsurface.Thisis because water makes the marble surface smooth. Hence, regular reflection will take place from this surface.
(e) Mirror - Regular reflection
Mirror hasa smoothsurface.Therefore, it will give a regular reflection .
(f) Piece of paper - Diffused reflection
Although a piece of paper may look smooth, but it has many irregularities on its surface.Due to this reason, it will give a diffused reflection.