Mention and explain the 4 types of conflict
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Society, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Technology, and Man vs. Fate (or the Supernatural.)
Man vs. Self
Man vs. Self is the only example of internal conflict you'll see in literary works and involves a character experiencing conflict within his or her own mind. Hamlet is probably the most well-known literary character experiencing Man vs. Self conflict throughout much of the famous Shakespearian play.
Man vs. Man
Man vs. Man is commonly seen in literature and modern storytelling and is a type of external conflict. This conflict will most often play out between a protagonist and his or her antagonist, although it can also appear between friends or acquaintances, as well.
Man vs. Society
This type of conflict is often seen in Science Fiction and is an external conflict that involves a protagonist at odds with a ruling body (which could be one's family), or social or cultural norms. For example, if the protagonist is fighting his or her government, or is accused of a crime he or she didn't commit, these would be examples of Man vs. Society as conflict. If a protagonist is going against the grain of what his or her society and people expect, this is also an example of Man vs. Society conflict.
Man vs. Nature
If you've read a story or seen a movie where the main character must face some sort of storm or event that happens as a force of nature (such as an animal attack), you've seen the Man vs. Nature conflict in action. Natural disasters like tornadoes or a character who is lost at sea and trying to find land are examples of this conflict, as well. In these stories, the concept of human survival despite the forces of nature is highlighted and in many cases, you'll also find the internal conflict of Man vs. Self playing out simultaneously. A large reason for this is that nature can be significantly more powerful than humanity, so there is much self-doubt and struggle as the protagonist comes to terms with this fact.
Man vs. Technology
Another popular conflict seen in Science Fiction is Man vs. Technology, which is when a protagonist is facing machines or technology (such as mechanical failure or robots) and must prevail against it. In many cases, you'll see elements of Man vs. Society conflict happening within these same stories, as the technology is often used to enforce or maintain social and cultural norms.
Man vs. Fate or the Supernatural
You'll find Man vs. Fate conflict often throughout ancient literature, particularly Greek myth and Arthurian lore. You'll even see it a lot in Shakespearean plays. Man vs. Fate or Man vs. the Supernatural is a conflict that occurs when the protagonist finds himself or herself pitted against a vengeful god or powerful supernatural force. As with other types of conflict, particularly Man vs. Nature, you'll often see this one combined with the Man vs. Self struggle. This is because the protagonist must come to terms with his or her own humanity and limitations when involved in a Man vs. Fate conflict.