Mention ant five causes and five solutions of social problems.
The main causes of social problems are:
Rapid population growth.
Lack of education
The four possible solutions of the above social problems are; Poverty-By providing education, skill training and job opportunities in a society. Unemployment-Providing job-oriented education,training to the people by Government to solve the problem of unemployment.
Social problems are the general factors that affect the society. Social problems often involve problems that affect real life. It also affects how people react to certain situations. People practice and promote social evils because they are ignorant of the adversities. There are lots of NGOs and INGOs which are working to eliminate social problems. The awareness programs they introduce do not reach to the actual victims. Some causes of social problems are listed below:
1.Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises.
2.Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises.
3.Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises.
4.Unemployment occurs when a person who is actively searching for employment is unable to find work. Unemployment is one of the causes of social problems. It leads to the frustration. Due to unemployment, problems like burglary, loot, murder, theft arises.
5.Lots of people are victimized in the name of caste. This happens because people have been divided as touchable and untouchables. This sort of discrimination occurs because the so-called higher caste does not regard others as fellow human beings. They are not aware that everyone is born equal. Lack of education, remaining stuck to old traditions, unwillingness to change, lack of consciousness are at the core of such discrimination.