Social Sciences, asked by anandaryan509, 11 months ago

mention any three Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented


Answered by zohannmurloc

1- The Minimum Wages Act (1948), Child Labour Prohibition and Regulation Act (1986) etc seeks to protect the interests of the workers.

2- The Maternity Benefit Act (1961) and Equal Reneration Act (1976) have been implemented to protect the interests of women workers.

3- Handloom Board, Handicrafts Board, Coir Board, Silk Board have been set up for the development of cottage industries.

4- Integrated Rural Development Programme (1978), Jawahar Rozgar Yojana (1989), Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (1999), Sampoorna Gram Rozgar Yojana (2001), Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programmes (2006) etc have been implemented to improve the living standard of the people.

5- The National Forest Policy (1988), aims at the protection, conservation and development of forests, etc.

Answered by varshika1664


Three Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented in India are as follows :

  • Promote global peace and security.
  • Equal pay for same work for each men and women.
  • Right to an good enough means of livelihood to all the citizens.


Part IV of the Constitution of India (Article 36–51) incorporates the Directive Principles of State Policy (DPSP). These standards aim at making sure socioeconomic justice to the humans and organizing India as a Welfare State. The founding fathers of Indian Constitution had been aware about the truth that Independent Indian State was going to stand many challenges. After colonial rule for almost hundred years, country and the society was left with considerable poverty, starvation and with deep rooted socio-financial inequalities. The framers of the Constitution felt that sure coverage directions, guidelines or commands for the governance of the country had been required to deal with those problems. Legislature, executive and administration of the Independent India had been anticipated to workout their powers according with the course and guidelines given on this a part of the Constitution.

To know more about Directive Principles of State Policy :

To know about religious policy of Shilahars :

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