Mention any three features of Russian economy Or How was media used to coin the support from Nazism ?
CBSE Class IX Social Science SA (3 Marks)
Features of Russian economy :
(i) It is the ninth largest economy in the world by nominal value.
(ii) It is the sixth largest economy by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
(iii) It has been transformed from a centrally planned economy to a market based and globally integrated economy.
Use of media by Nazis :
(i) Ideas were spread through visual images, films, radio, posters and slogans.
(ii) In posters, enemies of Germans were stereo-typed, mocked and abused.
(iii) Socialists and liberals were represented as weak and degenerated.
(iv) Propaganda films were made to create hatred for Jews.Features of the Russian economy :
(i) It is the ninth biggest marketplace in the world by theoretical value.
(ii) It is the sixth biggest marketplace by Purchasing Power Parity (PPP).
(iii) It has been reconstructed from a central planned
administration to a market-based and globally united economy.
Use of media by Nazis :
(i) Doctrines were communicated through visual pictures,
movies, broadcasting, banners, and slogans.
(ii) In advertisements, opponents of Germans were
stereotyped, ridiculed and persecuted.
(iii) Democrats and liberals were described as weak and deteriorated.