History, asked by mingmanorbu46, 8 months ago

Mention any twa similarities in Buddhism and Jainism
Why do Jain monks cover their noses and mouths?
What are the "Four Noble Truths" ?​


Answered by reenasingh1979


similarities between Buddhism and Jainism -

they both follow non - violence

they both have derived their ideas from Upanishads.

Jain monks follow extreme non - violence , they can't even kill a single insect , that's why Jain monks cover their mouth and nose so that no insect can enter into their mouth or nose and they kill it.

the 4 noble truths according to Buddhism are are -. 1) the truth of suffering

2) the truth of cause of suffering

3) the truth of the end of suffering

4)the truth of the path which leads

to the end of suffering

Answered by pranavbj1208


The two similarities in Buddhism and Jainsim are:-

•Both Buddhism and Jainism believe in the concept of karma, which is an attachment of positive and negative forces to the soul based on a person's actions, beliefs, and spiritual attachments. 

•They believe in the concept of re-birth and that Karma affects and decides your rebirth. They believe that- Reincarnation carries this force forward and requires effort to purify the soul.

•Both believe that spiritual ownership is the greatest and that materialism is just a hoax of this era.

Jains believe that all living organisms have feelings and all of them are a creation of the Supreme Being. And that we should coexist with one another and not harm anyone. And as we talk, many of the few microorganisms in the air, get killed by the heat and vibrations from our mouth. So, in order to not harm the microorganisms, the Jain monks do so.

The Four Noble Truths are:-

•The truth of suffering.

•The truth of the cause of suffering.

•The truth of the end of suffering.

•The truth of the way to the end of suffering.

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