Mention any two events that are inhibited by the intake of oral contraceptive pills to prevent pregnancy in humans.
They prevent ovulation, thus provide contraception.
They also thicken the cervical mucus, and make it difficult for sperms to enter the cervix, which provides additional factor to prevent pregnancy.
The two specific biological events that are affected by the intaking oral contraceptive pills are given below :
i) Ovulation - contraceptives taken orally are a combination of estrogen and progesterone. At a high amount of these hormones prevent to occur ‘maturation’ of the ‘Graafian follicle’ and make rupture of the same. Therefore, the developed ovum is not released to ‘fallopian tube’ and hence fertilization does not occur.
ii) Sperm entry - oral contraceptives alter the extent of viscosity and quality of the cervical mucus and ultimately prevent sperms to swim and reach to the fallopian tubes and hence fertilization is prevented.