mention any two functions of the panchayat samiti. please answer it fast ...
The Panchayat Samiti meets at regular intervals to take stock of the activities and discuss developmental matters of local interest. Broadly, the functions of the Panchayat Samiti can be classified as:
Delegated function,Community development function, andSupervisory functions.1. Delegated functions:The delegated functions include implementation and co-ordination of policies of development as determined by the state government. It is through the samitis that the state government implements the developmental projects in the grass-root level and associates the people with such activities.
2. Community development function: The function of community development include the planning and implementation of social welfare programs especially in the field of
agriculture,irrigation,cottage and small scale industries,co-operatives,education, etc.Through this program the Samiti gets a chance to tackle the peculiar problems of the area and provides an opportunity to experiment developmental projects for the area.
3. Supervisory functions: The Panchayat Samiti has another very important function of supervising the work of the Gram Panchayats within the block. It may also examine and modify the budget of the Gram Panchayats.
This mid level unit of Panchayati Raj system works as a better agent of democratic decentralization of power. The seeds of developmental projects in the rural sectors are actually shown through these bodies which work as a link between the other two tiers of the system
2)They build reservoirs,tubewells etc