Mention any two reasons why the crities thought that election, based on adult Franchise, will not be a success in India
1. It is not proper to give the right to vote to ignorants: The right to vote is not a natural or an inherent right, which everybody can enjoy. In fact, it is a sort of special privilege, which is conferred only on those persons who are best fitted to utilize it for the welfare of the state. Some people are of the opinion that the right to vote should be given only to the educated people. The educated persons can make the proper use of their right. An uneducated person cannot understand who is the best candidate out of all.
2. Ordinary man is the slave of instincts: The masses are ignorant and illiterate. They do not even possess the capacity of understanding to elect the best candidates and to judge the worth of governmental policy. Therefore, to entrust the right of voting to norant masses is to welcome dangerous consequences. The system of Universal Adult Franchise establishes a government of the fools, because, the fools and the ignorants are in majority in the society.