mention the characteristics of good saleman
ভাল বিক্রয়িক বৈশিষ্ট্য উল্লেখ
Top 6 Qualities of a Good Salesman | Salesmanship
(1) Personality: ADVERTISEMENTS: ...
(2) Cheerful Disposition: He should have a smiling face. ...
(3) Mental Ingredients: ...
(4) Courtesy: ...
(5) Patience and Perseverance: ...
(6) Complete Knowledge About The Self, Product, Company And The Customer:
Essential qualities of an effective salesman are: (1) personality (2) cheerful disposition (3) mental ingredients (4) courtesy (5) patience and perseverance and (6) complete knowledge about the self, product, company and the customer!
The success of a business undertaking largely depends upon the efficiency of its salesman. In the modern age of cut throat competition, a person possessing desired qualities can prove to be a successful salesman.