Mention the importance of revolt of 1857 in assam?
According to Inland Emigration Act of 1857 , plantation workers of Assam were not allowed to step out of the fields without permission and they were hardly given any permission.
this made them angry .they thought that Gandhi raj was going to come , every body will get their own lands and they would be able to retain a link with their native places . so one day they defied the authorities and moved out of the plantation gardens . but they never reached their destination. stranded on the way by railway and streamer strikes, they were caught by the police and brutally beaten up.
this movement signifies the participation of poor peasants in the non cooperation movement .
According the oral source, revolt touched the Assam through its middle class people and made an impact with certain mass during 1857. According to the source, the revolt of 1857 in Assam was lead by Maniram Dewan. The main cause of the revolt in Assam. Assamese initially welcomed the British rule in their premises.