English, asked by harshini102006, 2 months ago

Mention the name, physical appearance and nature of your grandparents.
Where do they live? Give a nice
character sketch of them.


Answered by jatinbargujjar123


what do you serously asked

Answered by Badboy0102



5 Qualities of a Grandparent’s Example

Posted by Ken Canfield, PhD | Oct 11, 2018 | Healthy Relationships | 0  |      

Children need positive, trustworthy, reliable role models. In today’s world, we cannot repeat that statement often enough.

In many situations, parents provide the main example for their children. For a growing number of households, grandparents are playing that role. And really, in any situation where grandparents get to spend time with their grandkids—whether or not we are their main role models, and whether we see them daily or occasionally—our modeling influence is very important and can be just as powerful and long-lasting as that of parents.

Most often, this happens through the patterns we establish consistently over time. Our repeated habits and behaviors reinforce values and help to establish our legacy—how we will be remembered. When grandmas and grandpas can effectively model selflessness, honesty, hard work, kindness, faith, integrity, and many other values, virtues and behaviors, we help to establish a strong foundation for our grandchildren’s future.

My eyes were really opened to this as I reviewed a new and somewhat unusual data source: a collection of responses from more than 800 adults who were asked about their grandparents. As you’ll see, that collection of comments provides convincing evidence that grandparents make a huge and lasting difference in their grandchildren’s lives, often through the positive examples they set.

Here are five ways your example can be powerful in your grandchildren’s lives:

Grandparents model transcendent values.

At this point in our lives, we know what’s important and we’re willing to live out those priorities without hesitation or shame—and it shows. Over and over, the adults in our study mentioned their grandparents’ faith, patience and hard work, among other virtues.

Faith was perhaps the most common theme. One person reported:

They lived their life loving God and sharing His message. They were a great example for me and it has helped me in my faith.

I found it interesting that none of the memories about faith were tied to a denominational preference, like being Catholic, Baptist, Methodist, Jewish, and so on. Also, the grandchildren focused more on actions than words. When it comes to being an example, the old saying is true: deeds are more important than creeds.

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