Mention the names of various steps involved in the extraction of pure metals from their ores.
a) Pure metals are extracted from their carbonate ores through the following steps:
1. Concentration of ore:
Gangue or matrix first needs to be removed from the ore keeping in mind the differences in physical and chemical properties of gangue and ore.
2. Calcination:
The carbonate ores must be heated strongly in absence of air to convert them into metal ores.
For example:
3. Reduction:
Next, reduction is carried out using a more reactive metal or carbon.
For example:
This happens because carbon has a greater binding affinity for oxygen than Zinc does.
Finally, the obtained metal is refined by electrolysis of their salt solutions.
b) Copper glance is the ore of copper sulphide. It is first roasted and then the remaining Cu2O is reduced using Cu2S in the tank.
This way, copper metal is extracted.
Electrolytic refining of copper: The electrolyte is a solution of acidified copper sulphate. The anode is impure copper, whereas, the cathode is a strip of pure copper. On passing electric current, pure copper is deposited on the cathode.