Mention the power and functions of panchayat
Sanitation, conservancy and drainage and the prevention of public nuisances;Curative and preventive measures in respect of any epidemic;Supply of drinking water and disinfecting the sources of supply and storage of water;The maintenance, repair, construction and protection of public streets;The removal of encroachments of public streets or public places;The management and care of public tanks;Organizing voluntary labor for upliftment of its area;The control and administration of the Gram Panchayat Fund;The imposition, assessment and collection of the taxes, rates or fees;The maintenance and control of Dafadars and Chowkidars;Administration of Nyay Panchayat, etc.
functions, powers and duties of the Gram Panchayats. A Gram Panchayat shall provide for:
Sanitation, conservancy and drainage and the prevention of public nuisances;Curative and preventive measures in respect of any epidemic;Supply of drinking water and disinfecting the sources of supply and storage of water;The maintenance, repair, construction and protection of public streets;The removal of encroachments of public streets or public places;The management and care of public tanks;Organizing voluntary labor for upliftment of its area;The control and administration of the Gram Panchayat Fund;The imposition, assessment and collection of the taxes, rates or fees;The maintenance and control of Dafadars and Chowkidars;Administration of Nyay Panchayat, etc.